- Minkowski by Nvidia
- SpatialTemporal contains scannet preprocess
- E3D - MIT HAN Lab
- torchsparse
related code/packages
pcd ="1.ply")
- type
- 一般point cloud直接
np.floor(coords / voxel_size)
- 就可以获得quantize之后的coords- 这样相当于直接把对应的点移动到了空间的mesh上(Sub-Nearest),还有多种quantize的方法
- type
- with vertices`
- ?: differenece between “mesh” “grid” & “voxel”
- Couple of data formats:
- Lattice/Mesh: graphics当中常用的一种3d数据存储格式,实质上是一个graph;含了vertex和edge,两者上面都可以有feature
- Voxel: 空间中的小方格,但是其实可以内嵌点云或者是Feature
- Grid本身就是2D image的形式,每个pixel一个value
- canonicalization:
- pointnet中的T-Net(然而在后续被发现没有多少用)是做这个,目的是让feature/input空间变得规整,有点类似于BN
- 类似于normalization,但是不会scaling,会有translation以及rotation
3-d model dataset
- ModelNet40
- Generated
- (9843/2468)
- Subset ModelNet10 - (3991/908)
- 大概相当于CIFAR10
- ShapeNet
- CIFAR-100
- 220k 3,135 classes
- ShapeNetCore - 51,300 - 55 class
- ShapeNetAug - extend from ShapeNetCore - 26k models - 573k labels - 24 classes
- ShapeNetSeg - 12k - 270 class
- ScanNet
- ScanNet-V2 - updated on 2018
- processed on Google Drive*
- pointnet-v2-process
- pointcnn-process
- Maybe Usefule - SpatialTemporal-process
- NYUDv2
- ScnenNN
3-d outdoor
- SemanticKitti
- PVCNN’s Preparation
- KP-Conv provide some dataset sources
- Semantic3D
- DBNet
- Appollo
ScanNet Dataset Preparation
Download 通过官方发Email获得邮件下载script 下载了ply文件
python -o ./ --type _vh_clean_2.ply
(clean_2是downsample之后的ply),还有要下载(_vh_clean_2.labels.ply,_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json) 文件夹结构如下: -
中的 -
- tasks - Semantic Scene Understanding(SSU)
- fundamental vision tasks: det, seg, pose estimation (High-level understanding, instance-level)
- base tasks: object registeration(low-level, point-level)
- forms of data & conversion
- RGB-D: color and depth are complementary modal, how to apply feature fuse is key *2.5-D solution: 2-D image of [R,G,B,D]
- both RGB and depth to form colorized point cloud(6-channel point cloud)RGBXYZ
MinkowskiEngine Doc
Features & Terminology
SparseTensor and TensorField — MinkowskiEngine 0.5.2 documentation (
- Sparse Tensor(Point Cloud dara are sparse)
- also support negative coordinates(?)
- generalized convolution
- since the in/out is sparse, we must know how the non-zero elment in input maps to the output, kernel_map
- sparse tensor
- use COOrdinate list format to represent a sparse tensor
- 一个大的coord matrix C,以及feature vector F
- tensor stride
- coordinate manager
- generate new set of output coordinates with different order(conv pooling)
- 在
- 当进行inplace运算的时候,参与计算的各个tensor需要共享coords_manager,可以直接丢coord_key就可以不用输入coords了
- coordeinate key - the hash to index the unordered coordinate manager(share the same memory)
- caches the kernel_map and cur coordinates
- reuses the coordinate instead of recomputing the order for series of convs
- kernel_map
- [[I],[O]]
- SparseTensor initial requires coord with additional batch indice
- use
- 上面的函数的作用就只是给一个batch内的所有的coords加上一个新的dim,BATCH,值为batch_idx
- 从原本的[num_points, num_dim] -> [num_points, num_dim+1(batch_idx)]
- 经过这样打包之后的coord和feature才能去initialize SparseTensor
- Tensorfield与SparseTensor接口相同,也可以直接作为输入
- use
coords0, feats0 = to_sparse_coo(data_batch_0)
coords1, feats1 = to_sparse_coo(data_batch_1)
coords, feats = ME.utils.sparse_collate(
coords=[coords0, coords1], feats=[feats0, feats1])
- Sparse Tensor & Tensor Field:
- tensor_field focus on feature on the continuous coordinates(点数不会因为quantization减少)
- 看起来就是一种比较类point-based的表达方式,似乎是想用来实现point-based的方法(问题是目前没有支持sample&group的操作)
- tensor_field focus on feature on the continuous coordinates(点数不会因为quantization减少)
- discretize the continous coordinates
- 创建sparse tensor的时候coord应该是int
- 本质上的操作是直接用当前的coord取coord // voxel_size
- 很奇怪文档中需要传入intTensor,但是example里面给的并不是
- 然后每个voxel内部是所有点的mean/barycenter
sinput = ME.SparseTensor(
feats=torch.from_numpy(colors), # Convert to a tensor
coords=ME.utils.batched_coordinates([coordinates / voxel_size]), # coordinates must be defined in a integer grid. If the scale
quantization_mode=ME.SparseTensorQuantizationMode.UNWEIGHTED_AVERAGE # when used with continuous coordinates, average features in the same coordinate
logits = model(sinput).slice(sinput)
- quantize the coords in dataset
- use
, could usereturn_index=True
- use
- defining dataloader
- define the
to convert the input to proper output collate_fn = ME.utils.batch_sparse_collate / SparseCollation()
- collation - 整理校对
- define the
in examples/training & examples/sparse_tensor_basics
- data of getitem() of the dataset, before using the
- discrete-coords - [num_point, dim_coord]
- out_feature - [num_point, dim_feature]
- label - [num_point]
- contains [N_CLASS] choices of elements
- process of the
Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey
- 3 tasks: Shape Classification, Object Det & Tracking, Semantic Segmentation
- Data source: LiDAR, RGBD-camera, 3D-Scanners
- Data form: depth images, point cloud. meshes, volumeetric grids
- point cloud: no discretization(Better representation)
- Challenges: 1. small scale dataset; 2. high-dimension; 3. unstructured natureA
- Available Datasets:
- ModelNet
- ScanObjectNN
- ShapeNet
- ParNet
- ScanNet
- Semantic3D
- ApooloCar3D
- Evaluation Metrics:
- classification: Overall Acc(Acc of all test instances), meanAcc*(mAcc - acc for all classes)
- Det: AP(Average Precision): area-under precision-recall curve
- Track: precision & success
- Segmentation: meanIOU(meanIntersectionOverUnion), meanClassAccuracy
- 3D Classification
- Multi-view - convert unstructured point cloud to 2d images
- project into multi 2d views, then fuse these features
- Key: how to aggregate the multi-view feature
- MVCNN: maxpool multiview feature, which causes information loss
- MHBN: harmonized bilinear pooling
- Relation network to discover relations between group of views
- View-GCN: directed graph, graph nodes as multi-views
- Volumetric - convert into 3d volumetric form
- Key: 1st voxelize into 3d grids, then apply a 3DCNN
- Preprocess + CNN: how to find good preprocess
- Problems: unable to scale well to dense 3D-Data
- OctTree is sometimes introduced
- VoxNet: volumetric occupacy network
- Deep Belief 3D ShapeNets:
- OctNet: use hierarchical octree to gen a bit-string representation
- PointGrid: integrate point and grid representatio
- 3DmFV: 3D grids further processed with 3D modified Fisher Vector
- Key: 1st voxelize into 3d grids, then apply a 3DCNN
- Point-based - directly without voxelization / projection
- no explicit loss, more popular
- category: 1. point-wise MLP 2. CNN-based 3. graph-based 4. hier-data structure 5. others
- MLP:
- have permutation invariance with symmetric function
- PointNet:
- DeepSets: summing all representation than transformation
- PointNet++: hierarchical network to capture geometric from neighbourhood - (sampling/grouping/PointNet-based)
- MoNet: PointNet-like
- PAT(Point Attention Transform): represent point with its abs position and relative position with neighbours, then group shuffle attention used for get relations, then gumbel-set-sample used for learn hier fetature.
- PointWeb: improve feature by Adaptive feature adjustment
- SRN(Structural Relation Net): learn structure feature
- SRINet: project point cloud to find rotation invariant features, then use pointnet backbone, then graph-based aggregation
- PointASNL: adaptive sampling - furthertest point sampling methods + local-nonlocal module
- Conv-based:
- Continuous Conv:
- the weights for neighboring points are related to the spatial distribution with respect to the center point
- on spherical harmonic
- conv could be viewed as a wieghted sum over a given subset
- DensePoint
- KPConv
- ConvPoint
- PointConv
- the weights for neighboring points are related to the spatial distribution with respect to the center point
- Discrete Conv:
- the weights for neighbouring points are related to offsets with respeqct to center poin
- Continuous Conv:
- Graph-based - each point is a vertex, the directed edge represents the neighbourhood
- On Space-division
- conv is MLP over spatial neighbours, pooling is adopted produce coarse graph
- On Spectral-division
- conv as spetral filtering, applying mult on graph laplacian matrix eigenvectors
- On Space-division
- Hier Data Structure
- apply on Hier-data structure(kd-tree & octTree)
- feature aggregation from leaf to root node
- Summary:
- pointwise MLP often serve as a basic building-block
- CNN & GNN are promising directions
- how to handle irregular data structure is key
- Efficiency is often a problem
- Multi-view - convert unstructured point cloud to 2d images
- 3D Detection: - output the 3D Bounding Boxes
- Taxnomy:
- Region-Proposal based(2-Stage)
- Mult-view based methods
- Segmentation-based methods(Use segmentation to remove background points, then raise high-quality proposals)
- Frustem-based: generate 2-d proposal, then transform to frustem(几何体) 3d ones
- Region-Proposal based(2-Stage)
- Single-Shot
- BEV-based (Bird-View)
- Discreticized: for voxels
- Point-based: diirectly on raw 3d pointcloud
- Single-Shot
- Problems:
- how to efficiently fuse multi-modality feature
- extract robust representation
- long-range detection poor
- how to exploit texture information
- Summary:
- currentlly 2-stage outperform single by a large margin
- currentlly 2-stage outperform single by a large margin
- Taxnomy:
- 3D Tracking - give the location of the obkject at the 1st frame, estimate its state in subsequent frames
- use the rich geometric information to overcome drawbacks of of image tracking like: occlusion, illumination, variation
- 3D version of Siamese
- 3D Scnen Flow Estimation
- Given 2 point cloud, measure its movement, the 3d version of optical flow
- point-based most rich information, however no explicit neighbourhood contains in the point representation
- representations forms
- Projection/Discretization based could leverage the 2-d network architecture, dealing with structured data form. hoewver, information loss
- Current Problems & Future Directions
- imbalanced segmentation
- Dense point clouds
- spatial-temporal information for dynamic point clouds
- tasks:
- 3D Shape Classification
- Segmantions (Part/Semantic)
- Methods:
- Volumetric-based - 体素化
- 转变为voxel,会损失一定的信息
- 细的时候计算复杂度很高
- 体素化的example,找一个大1x1立方体,切成小块
- Multiview - 3D to 2D
- Point-based: per point [x,y,z+N(feature)]
- Volumetric-based - 体素化
- PointNet(pointwise-MLP) - directly apply deep learning on points)
- point properties: unordered & invariant to geometric transform * facing orderless: symmetric computing - 具有对称性的运算
- T-Net: 学习出一个线性变换,为了摆正,目的是做对齐
- T-Net + MLP
- 没有点之间的联系
- PointNet++
- 在pointnet之前加上了一个sampling和grouping(非常关键) * sample - 最远点采样 * grouping - K-近邻 * 相当于降采样
- seg任务中是一个插值
- sample的可能改进方向
- non-uniform sampling
- 会有hier的分支
- KPConv
- 一个⚪的卷积核,里面固定的位置有一些点,实际卷的时候将对应的点放在圆心,按照距离吧其他的weight加权求和生成一个新的weight与x乘
- PointCNN
- Concat(MLP(position),color)x(MLP(x) as transform)
- Point + Voxel
- 2条支路,voxel本身也可以看成是一个sample,voxel先体素化然后卷积,然后再反体素化
- Voxel-based有很大冗余
- 本身没有降采样
- Point + Voxel
- Grid-CNN
- mainly focus on directly taking in the point cloud
- Challenges:
- Irregualr: dense and sparse regions
- Unordered: within the same set, no order
- Unstructured: No grid, each point independent
- Structured Grid-based Learning
- analogy from Conv on 2-d images
- Voxel-based: discretize into binary grids(has point or not)
- high memory consumption due to sparsity 2. Multiview-based: squash the 3-d model into many 2-d grids(as images) 3. Lattices-based
- analogy from Conv on 2-d images
- Directly operate on pc
- pointnet:
- plain MLP, no local information
- simple max-pooling
- how2 get local information: sample/group & mapping - often approximated by a MLP
- sample: random sample, K-farthest sampling(sample M times, each points is the farthest points of former), uniform sampling, gumbel sampling
- group: K-nearest sampling group them into a local branch
- mapping: mlp+max-pool to retain symmetric for orderless
- sample: random sample, K-farthest sampling(sample M times, each points is the farthest points of former), uniform sampling, gumbel sampling
- donot extract local info
- pointnet++: hier applu pointnet
- VoxelNet: sample T points for each voxel, use their location mean(centroid) into FCN
- Pointwise Convolution
- explore local info
- PointCNN: start from pointnet++, apply X-transform on K-nearest points, permute inputs
- GeoCNN: weighted feature aggregation based on their distance from centroids
- PAT: gumbel sampling for sample, pointnet for computing + multi-head attention
- permutation invariant & robust ot outliers
Some dont follow MLP: thinks it neglects the prior of geometry of PC & large param size:
- Step func + Taylor expansion
- graph-based: input graph {V,E} V points, E as a {V,V} represent edges
YiLi: 3D Deep Geometrical Process
- Sensing to perception:
- segmentation -> assign attribute
- 3-d datasets for objects
- Rich attributes* - semantic category, pose, part, optical material
- ShapeNet - CAD models - >3M models; 4k Object classes
- ShapeNetCore - spatially aligned and with pose label
- PartNet
- 3-d dataste for scne undestanding
- SceneNet
- ScanNet
- Waymo / Kitti / Apollo
- 3-d dataset representations:
- multiview-image
- depth map
- volumetric occupacy
- point cloud (*)
- polygon mesh (*)
- GeoNet - CVPR2019
- capture the surface topology representation - geodesic-aware
- (task of point cloud upsampling?complete)
- geodestic distance?
- shortest path along the 2d surface
- a very good example of how to acquire the low-level features of the point cloud(i didnt see in many pointCNN)
- Learning on graph/mesh:
- SyncSpecCNN:
- Previous work: SpectralCNN - mult in the spectrum, apply IFFT to get the convolution in time division
- fourier bases corressbond to local features
- this paper: sync the basis
- follow-up work: TextureNet
- orientation - 方向?
- 之前不带方向性(由于IFFT)在空域上一般是没有方向性
- kernel-weights orientational symmetric
- Previous work: SpectralCNN - mult in the spectrum, apply IFFT to get the convolution in time division
- Tasks:
3-d instance detection & segmentation:
- RPN: region proposal, 3-d region proposal fails
- 3-d box may not be suitable, free-form shape proposal
- Objects of the same class has true physical scales, less afftected by lighting/acculusion
- VAE - generate the object conditioned at the input scene
- RPN: region proposal, 3-d region proposal fails
- Differnet between indoor / outdoor
- indoor: dense / outdoor: sparse Lidar
- outdoor: has domain gap
- view it as a geometrical completion task
- More finer tasks into parts:
- Primitive Fitting:
- 用一些基础件去贴合一个3d model
- make differentiable Pattern for base elements
- Motion Segmentation - articulated - 链接式的结构(比如✂)
- how points change from the 1st state to 2nd state
- category / domain invariance?
- hard to annotate
- discover correspondences between
- (Pose Estimation?)
- Future Dicrections:
- 2-d surface manifold in 3d (Non-encludian)
- various representations - explicit representation(?)
- potentially combine them?
- Multi-modal - in autonomous driving
- 3-d generative model
- Embedded AI
- Point-based(PointNet++的实现方式)
- 一个类似UNet的结构,需要对附近的点加权;需要融合前后两个层的feature,涉及到点数的Upsampling,需要做Interpolation
- 实现方式是用高密度的点的Coord为基准,将低密度的点,在对应位置上插值;插值的方式是选取KNN个最近的点的feature用距离的倒数进行加权。(CK了一下某版代码实现居然是Global做的…)
- MultiscaleGrouping -
- dropout inputs points for each instance
- generate differnet extend of sparsity for input
- during training, using all points
- Multi-resolution grouping:(computationaly efficient)
- 在处理之前和之后的embedding上分别做grouping,并且将两个输出concat起来
- 在处理之前和之后的embedding上分别做grouping,并且将两个输出concat起来
- Point cloud - Sparse & Unordered
- similar but also different from grid: (same) - spatially localized
- Methods towards the point cloud:
- Grid-based project sparse 3D data on regular shape(voxelize?), so conv could be defined more easily
- voxelization is projection in eculidean space
- Directly Apply MLP on the points
- original pointnet dont model the local representation
- other hierachical methods use MLP as conv, author argue hard to converge
- Graph Conv
- conv on graphh is equivalent to mul on its spectral representation
- represent edge connections instead of edge relative positions
- combines feature on local patches, however, invariant to deformations(变形-bad)
- Other Point Conv
- PointwiseCNN: kernel weights at voxel bin(more like grid-based methdos)
- SpiderCNN: family of polynominal function applied weighting for each neighbour, spatially inconsistent
- FlexCNN: linear functions
- PCNN: also use point to carry kernel weights
- Grid-based project sparse 3D data on regular shape(voxelize?), so conv could be defined more easily
- Also Propose the deformabel version of this conv
- rigid / deformable
- with learnabel local shift
- extra regularization is applied to avoid empty set
- Favors radius neighbour instead of KNN during grouping
- consistent spherical domain
- reception field is a ball
- inside K points cntains kernel weights
- Aside from weight, a correlation is also applied:
use linear correlation max(0, 1- y_i - x_k /\sigma)A - didnt use gaussian correlation for simplicity
- “fitting reg” - penalize the kernel point and the cloest neighbour
- “reulsive reg” - penalize points have overlap region
- Point cloud registration task?
- 点云配准,对齐两个点云空间的变换(感觉有点pose estimation的意味)
- X-Conv
F^* = [MLP(p_{center} - p_i), feature]
X = MLP(p_center - p_i)
of dim [k,K]Y = X*F^*
- nearby points
into representative point P(sampled)
- Architectural resemble the grdid-based CNN
- KxK local patched -> K neighbouring points around representative points
- X-conv instead of conv
- conv kernel centered at each point
- radius value
- weighted distance gap
- Voxel-based methods - regular and good memory locality / need high reso to not lose information -> big memory consumption
- Point-based methods - irregular memory access / huge dynamic overhead
- Combine both - PVConv(point-voxel conv)
- disentangle fine-grained feature transformation / coarse-grained neighbourhood aggergation(low reso voxel grids)
- Method:
- normalize the coords 1st before voxelization
- Voxelization: average all the features falls into the grid box
- Feature aggregation: 3-d volumetric conv
- Devoxelization: (plain) - nearest-neighbour inerpolation, will result in all points in 1 voxel share the same value
- so tri-linear interpolation
- Also leverage a MLP to extract point-based feature
首先有一个case study,参照别人用fully-supervised(用全label是为了表示transfer的upper bound) ShapeNet(单个类别的生成的3d模型)做预训练,然后迁移到S3DIS segmentation
Dataset - downstream tasks
FullyConvNetwork Arch(U-Net full-resolution output,同时输入为整个pc,不需要crop成多个块,保留了信息) 学习方式是Point-level的Metric Learning task是domain-specific的pointcloud registration task
rigid transform - rotation, translation, scaling
- Loss
P是所有positive match pairs,只用到了positive的pair,而没有用到非positive的pair;用的dictionary learning的思想,key对应上的是positive,对应不上的是neg。外面套了一个softmax,会更加stable
- PointContrast完整的说明了Unsupervised Pre-training的作用,
此外,对ScanNet本身也有acc的增益。即使不trasnfer Unsupervised Pretraining也有作用(ScanNetv2 to 本身4),以及transfer的Unsupervised对比supervised不差太多(ScanNetV2->S3DIS)
- Architecture
Sparse Residue U-Net(SR U-Net) - Res34
?: pointcontrast的preprocess,如何获得point pair
对某个scene x,从两个view获取x1,x2,subsample every 25 frames, 将两个frame align到同一个世界坐标(collect 2 point clouds in a pair of at least 30% overlap?)
- Exp
Sun-RGBD Detection task - modify archietcture to VoteNet
- Ideas:
use holistic scene is not working, 不再从两个view分别做transform,而直接用reconstructed point cloud去apply两个transform,会明显掉点。
- 🔑 Key:
- uses metric learning loss + fullyConv Backbone
- 🎓 Source:
- 🌱 Motivation:
- Towards the low-level geometric feature extraction problem - task as registration/reconstruction & tracking
- earlier works use limited reception field - 3DCNN
- 💊 Methodology:
- Metric Learning:
- the hardest contrastive - hardest triplets
- 2 Constraints: similar features should be close and dissimilar ones should be a margin away
- use hard negative mining
- Metric Learning:
- 📐 Exps:
- Datesets: 3D match on KITTI, find GPS gt is noisy, use ICP to refine the alignment
- Generate point pairs, then sample the positive/negative pair
- 💡 Ideas:
- Prpose efficient 3d block: SPVConv(Sparse-Point-Voxel Convolution)
- Design automl flow(search space)
🎓 Source: MIT HAN
🌱 Motivation:
💊 Methodology:
- SPVConv
Revisit Point-Voxel Conv(Proposed in the PVCNN): Point-Voxel Convolution:(Coarse Voxelization) - originally proposed to reduce memory consumption(reduce the irregular memory access / improve locality) However, some small instance occupy very few voxels, cant be learnt well(could use fewer piece sliding window but huge cost)
Revisit Sparse Conv(Minkowski Net): its core idea: skip the non-activated region(1st finding the active map between input/output points) However, have to agressively downsample to gain good reception field, then the reso will be too coarse
These methods sacrifeices the resolution to gain efficiency
use point-voxel conv:
keep the sparse voxelized tensor(only store non-zero voxels), and the full point cloud, transform between them with voxelization/devoxelization Voxelization: 3d coordinates - floor(x/v) (v is the voxel size); the feature are the means of all points fallen into em feature aggregation with sparse-voxel-conv with residue SparseConvolution, then transform(devoxelize) back to point representation: interpolate em with 8 neighbour grids
- NAS Design Space: fine-grained channel num & Elastic network depth
not coarsed grained channel size(expansion ratio in ResNet) O(n) channel space: crop the first c channels sampled since the 3d model is more memory-bounded, search for depth, sampled depth N, only n layers(the deeper layers may be poorly trained, applied progressive shrinking to avoid) small kernel matters, but not supported yet, keep all to be 3.
Evolutionary searching.
- 📐 Exps:
task: Semantic KIITI Seg, then transfer to Det
- 💡 Ideas:
- since point cloud has sparse nature, using dense volumetric methods are inefficient(some efforts already made: octree to reduce memory footprint, MinkowskiNet proposes Sparse Convolution)
- 3d medical data understaning resembles more with 2-d image, but not like 3d scene unserstanding on point cloud
mainly focus on using temporal information 3d + video however true contribution - Minkowski Engine & MinkowskiNet - Sparse Voxel Conv
🎓 Source: Christopher Choy - StanfordVL
- 🌱 Motivation:
💊 Methodology:
Generalized SparseConv
- 📐 Exps:
Seg on ScanNet & S3DIS
improvement much
- 💡 Ideas:
- 🔑 Key:
- 🎓 Source:
- 🌱 Motivation:
- 💊 Methodology:
- 📐 Exps:
- 💡 Ideas: